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Tinker ノーラスノーム達によってお祝いされるティンカーフェスタの休日は、7月の終わり近く、8月上旬まで数日間、ティンカリングの工芸品とクロックワークの喜びを謳います。 ティンカーフェスタの間、ノーム達は頻繁に家族と贈り物を交換したりヘリテージを祝いながら、ティンカリングやノーム的なあらゆるものを祝うお祭りを開催するのです。 かつては定期的にお祝いされていましたが、それは近年で言えば shattering の復活です。 2017年、コモンランドとアントニカにパブリッククエストが追加されました。


Unstable Tinkered Portal





















2009年からノームランド警備隊総本部のようなティンカーフェスタのお祭りの周辺で、Tinkerd Parts に使えそうな紫のキラキラが沸いています。

2016年からは、新しいコレクションには Tinkerer's Extraordinary Toolbelt が追加され、そのパーツはノームランド警備隊総本部とケイノスまたはフリーポートのいずれかで見つかります。 報酬はプラチナコグで、祭りの間にジェットパックやその他のグッズを購入するのに使います。



Tinkerfest Merchandise[]

Shiny Tinkerfest Cogs are the currency of Tinkerfest. These cogs are small shiny ground spawns that can be found around any Tinkerfest celebration location, as well as in Gnomeland Security Headquarters. The cogs have a fast respawn time, but if you feel that you're being trampled in the rush of party-loving gnomes, check out one of the alternate locations.


Myron and Tarly, the Gnomeland Security Headquarters Tinkerfest vendors, have the blueprints you'll need to allow you to craft your own Tinkerfest goodies! Blueprints are priced at 10 Shiny Tinkerfest Cogs each. Tarly has all but one of the blueprints, Myron has the last one (just so you don't think you're crazy while shopping!).

  • Tinkerfest Blueprints 1.0 - Requires a Tinkering skill of 25 to scribe.
  • Tinkerfest Blueprints 2.0 - Introduced in 2010. Requires a Tinkering skill of 25 to scribe.
  • Tinkerfest Blueprints 3.0 - Introduced in 2011. Requires a Tinkering skill of 25 to scribe.
  • Tinkerfest Blueprints 4.0 - Introduced in 2012. Requires a Tinkering skill of 25 to scribe.
  • Tinkerfest Blueprints 5.0 - Introduced in 2013. Requires a Tinkering skill of 25 to scribe.
  • Tinkerfest Blueprints 6.0 - Introduced in 2014. Requires a Tinkering skill of 25 to scribe
  • Tinkerfest Blueprints 7.0 - Introduced in 2014. Requires a Tinkering skill of 25 to scribe
  • Tinkerfest Blueprints 8.0 - Introduced in 2015 or 2016. Requires a Tinkering skill of 25 to scribe
  • Tinkerfest Blueprints 9.0 - Introduced in 2017. Requires a Tinkering skill of 25 to scribe
  • Master Tinkerer's Companion Blueprints 1.0 - Requires a Tinkering skill of 400 to scribe.
  • Master Tinkerer Blueprints 1.0 - Introduced in 2011. Requires a Tinkering skill of 400 to scribe.
  • Master Tinkerer Blueprints 2.0 - Introduced in 2012. Requires a Tinkering skill of 400 to scribe.
  • Master Tinkerer Blueprints 3.0 - Introduced in 2013. Requires a Tinkering skill of 400 to scribe.

Some of the Master Tinkerer Blueprint recipes require a Tinkerer's Mechanized Framework as a recipe component, and these may be purchased from Tarly. Some recipes need the rusty version of a tool/weapon as a component: these are obtained as rewards from Tinkerfest quests, and Tarly sells the Rusty Powered Wrench.


In addition, Myron and Tarly sell a range of cogs, springs, gears and the like. Many are the same as craftable versions found in the Tinkerfest blueprints, while some are unique to the vendor. The gnomes also have mounts available for purchase.

Thoughtful Tips for Top-Notch Tinkerfest Times![]

Harvest Tinkerfest Cog Macro

Sample "Harvest Tinkerfest Cog" Macro

  • Make a macro for harvesting Tinkerfest purple shinies and Shiny Tinkerfest Cogs. Simply walk up to either a shiny or a Shiny Tinkerfest Cog and click the macro!
    1. Press O to open the Macros window.
    2. Find a blank macro slot and click on <click to edit>
    3. Add a Command Step: /target_nearest_npc
    4. Add a Spell/Ability step, then from your Knowledge Window, drag over the Ability Collecting
    5. Add a Spell/Ability step, then from your Knowledge Window, drag over the Ability Gathering
    6. Give your macro a title. I like to drag a Shiny Tinkerfest Cog onto the icon picture myself.
    7. Click OK
    8. Drag the new macro to a hotbar for easy access.


EQ2i このページの初版はCC-BY-SAに従い、英語版から翻訳や引用しています。
Icon item 1380 この記事に書かれているクエスト、アイテム、登場人物などは、毎年8月1日前後に行われるティンカーフェスタ関連となっています。